Welcome to FUMC Pearland!
We know that meeting someone for the first time can be intimidating, and going to a new church for the first time can be nerve-racking. We want to help make your first experience at First Methodist Pearland a great one!
We have two different worshipping communities that meet on Sunday morning at First United Methodist Church Pearland, our traditional service and our contemporary NewSong service. While the worship styles may be different, our pastors share the same story about a caring and loving God who wants to have a relationship with you. Our members are a warm and welcoming community who will be excited to show you around and help you get connected to our church community.
From the moment you arrive on campus, we hope you’ll feel at home. Greeters at the doors, in the Narthex or FLC Lobby, and at the Welcome Centers are available to help you get oriented. We recommend you arrive a few minutes early to get your kids checked in and situated, visit our welcome center, and enjoy a hot cup of coffee before heading into worship.
Let Us Know You’re Coming
Ready to check out life at FUMC Pearland in person? We can’t wait to meet you. Simply fill out this form and we’ll save you a seat!
What Can I Expect?
Here are some answers to frequently asked questions to help make your visit a pleasant experience.
Our Traditional service meets in the sanctuary at 8:30 am and 10:45 am.
Ou contemporary NewSong service meets in the Family Life Center (FLC) at 10:45 am.
No expectations here. When you come to one of our services, you will find people dressed in a wide variety of styles - many as casual as jeans or shorts, and a smaller number dressed more formally. Most people find themselves somewhere in the middle. No matter what you are wearing, you are welcome!
Yes! You are welcome to try any and all of our Sunday School classes! Our classes meet from 9:30 – 10:30 am. Descriptions of the classes and their locations are available on the Sunday School page. If you need assistance, we would love to help connect you with a class. Contact Susan McElya for more information.
We practice open communion. You do not need to be a member of First United Methodist Church Pearland or the United Methodist Church to participate.
In our traditional community, communion is served on the first Sunday of the month, with bread and an individual juice cup. Our NewSong community serves communion weekly by intinction, or dipping the bread in a communal cup. Individually-wrapped elements are available for those that prefer to participate that way.
Learn more about Communion in the United Methodist Church here.
We encourage families to worship together. Children are welcome to stay in worship with you if you wish. During all of our services we have a time especially designed for the children ages K-4th grade called PearlandKIDS Sermon Session! Children are invited into a separate space where they have time for fellowship and an age appropriate lesson during the sermon. Children then return to the worship service for communion with their family or the final worship song.
PearlandKIDS nursery is available for ages birth through preschool for the duration of each service. Here your kids will engage in age appropriate bible lessons and songs.
At 9:30 am, we have Sunday School for children grades K-12th.
All PearlandKIDS volunteers and staff are background checked and adhere to Safe Sanctuary policy
Have questions? Need information? The Welcome Center is located in the Narthex of the Sanctuary and in the Lobby of the Family Life Center and is a great resource for our members and guests alike. Staffed by a friendly and knowledgeable church member, this is the place to find information about church ministries, programs, and activities. You can also contact Susan McElya, our Connections Coordinator, with any additional questions.