Pearland Student Ministries

Pearland Student Ministry looks to connect with students ages 5th-12th grade. We know that these are key years in a student's development and are excited to be a part of their journey. We want to encourage and offer opportunities for students to grow in their faith through Bible-based weekly gatherings, introducing them to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In these gatherings, we join together for worship, food, fellowship, and games. We offer opportunities for students to serve regularly in areas of our church and missional outreach. It is important for students to have a safe environment where they can experience community and ask questions about faith. This allows them to grow and explore as they try to navigate their faith journey. We hope to walk with you on this great journey!

Weekly Gatherings

PSM on Sunday Mornings
5th-12th Grade
9:30am in the Student Ministry Building

Sunday Nights
7th - 12th Grade
5-7pm in the MFC and Student Building

What We’re Studying

Anger is such a big, powerful emotion. When we're angry about things that matter, our anger can lead us toward action. Anger can even inspire us to make the world a better place! But other times, our anger can lead us to make choices that are harmful to ourselves or others. There's no escaping situations or people who make us angry, but how we respond when we're angry is up to us. So if we can't completely avoid getting angry, what can we do? In this four-week series, we'll explore four passages of Scripture from both the Old and New Testaments that might challenge our view on anger. We'll learn practical skills like when we feel angry, pause to ask God why. We'll see how, when we're angry, Jesus shows us how to respond. And in our anger, we'll be challenged to show grace and not get hurtful.

Upcoming Events


 PSM Volunteers make a huge difference in the lives of our young people. Our volunteers are vital to the success of this Ministry.  With out you we can not reach Students in our community.  Please consider partnering with us in ministry.