FUMC Pearland Events

CJ Harris Volunteer Opportunities
We have more opportunities to serve our partners at CJ Harris this spring!
Speakers are needed to share about their professions on Career Day, March 28. Share about the education/training necessary for your position and tell about the interesting aspects of the job. Details are available at the sign-up link below.
To participate in these or other upcoming events, you must complete the district's background check, which you can fill out at the link below.
Thank you for helping FUMC Pearland and our Church in Action build connections with CJ Harris.

Practicing the Way Study Opportunities
On March 9, we will begin a new sermon series and church-wide study. The sermon series is Practicing the Way based upon a book written by John Mark Comer*.
This study is designed to help get you started, get you unstuck if you are stalled, or help you in taking the next steps on your Discipleship Journey. The ultimate goal is to train you to live as an apprentice of Jesus, to be with Jesus, to become like Him and do as He did.
We are planning to offer 3 opportunities to participate in The Practicing the Way Study. The studies will run for 6 weeks during Lent. There will be a Sunday evening group from 5:30 pm-7:00 pm, a Tuesday evening group for men from 7:30 pm-9:00 pm, and our usual Wednesday Morning Women’s Bible Study will be doing the study from 10:00 am-11:30 am. Each of these groups will be meeting at the church.
Registration for these studies is now open at the link below. If you will need childcare, please register early.
We are also looking to form some new Growth Groups during this season. If you are interested in participating in this study with a Growth Group that meets at another time, please contact Susan McElya, Discipleship Director smcelya@fumcpearland.org.
*Because we feel this is so vital to our spiritual growth, your church is purchasing one book per family to guide you through this Sermon Series and Church-wide Study. You may pick these up beginning Sunday, February 23. They will be available in the Narthex, Family Life Center Lobby and Church Office.

MomCo Daddy Daughter Dance
Please save the date for our 6th Annual Daddy Daughter Dance! This year's dance will be March 29 from 6-8 pm in the Family Life Center. Our theme is Denim and Diamonds. Get ready for a night of line dancing, fun photo ops, and western themed activities!
This year, dinner will be included in your ticket price. Tickets are $45 a couple. ($10 per extra child.) Get your tickets at the link below!
All proceeds to go MomCo at FUMC Pearland to help pay for childcare during meetings and our other activities. We appreciate your support so much!

Real Talk Live: Big Questions
Join us for a Real Talk LIVE Event focused on Big Questions. Meet on the patio of Steamboat Bills for food, drinks and rich conversation about the questions we all carry in regards to faith, doubt and everything in between. Invite a friend and bring your questions to this Real Talk event.

Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday is the Christian observance commemorating Jesus’ triumphant entry in Jerusalem. It is the beginning of Holy Week, the most sacred week of the Christian Year. This day gives us two important reminders--it is a reminder for Christians to welcome Jesus into their hearts and to follow Him and a reminder of Jesus’ love for people, reflected in His sacrifice on the cross.
On April 13, in observance of Palm Sunday, we will not have an 8:30 Traditional service. We will have one Traditional Service in the Sanctuary and our NewSong Service in the Family Life Center, both at 10:45 am. At the conclusion of both services, we will come together for lunch as we continue our celebration, including an Easter Egg Hunt for the kids sponsored by PearlandKids!
We want you to begin making plans now for this special celebration and for the events to come during Holy Week, and invite others to join you on this special day!

Easter Egg Hunt
It’s that time again! PearlandKIDS will host our Annual Easter Egg Hunt on Sunday, April 13 (Palm Sunday) at Zychlinski Park following the 10:45 am services. Join us for a fun afternoon full of food, fellowship and a fantastic Egg Hunt!
We are asking for donations to make this a great event for the kids! Please use the SignUP Genius link below to donate filled eggs for our annual Easter Egg Hunt. (Example of "filled eggs": plastic eggs filled with candy, stickers, small prizes, etc.). Donations should be brought to the Church by April 4, and placed in one of the receptacles in the Narthex, Family Life Center Lobby, or Church Office.
Thank you for supporting this great day!

Maundy Thursday: Radical Love
Maundy Thursday is a day for somber reflection. When we remember this solemn evening, how do we observe and honor the coming sacrifice of Jesus? Have we failed to recognize the Radical Love Jesus expressed on that evening by not loving God, and loving others, and sometimes not even loving ourselves?
On April 17 at 6:30 pm in the Sanctuary, our Maundy Thursday Service, Radical Love, will allow us to remember the night Jesus shared with His Disciples the kind of love He wants us to share with all people. We will focus on remembering and understanding the significance of this evening, experiencing the presence of the Holy Spirit as we observe Communion in partaking of the Sacrament at the Lord’s Supper. We will hear the story of Jesus washing the feet of the Disciples, weeping in the Garden, and ultimately, being betrayed.
Join us on this special evening as we remember Jesus gave us a new commandment to love one another as He loves us-a Radical Love the world has come to understand as an integral part of our faith.

Good Friday: An Evening of Witness
Join us for a Good Friday worship experience on April 18, 6:30-7:30 pm in the Family Life Center at FUMC Pearland. Together we will be immersed in the realities of those who knew Jesus, wrestled with their faith and watched his death unfold, unsure of what the future would bring.
This event is for all ages; plan to attend and be sure to invite a friend!

Pearland Grand Arts & Eats
FUMC Pearland will be hosting a Family Fun Zone as a part of the Pearland Grand Arts & Eats festival on Saturday, April 26. We will have a Cake walk, Carnival games, Crafts, Face painting, Outdoor games, Popcorn, and Snow cones.
We are needing volunteers to help with the Family Fun Zone so please use the links below to sign up for a time slot and learn more about the festival.
We hope you and your family will join us!

Annual Garage Sale
Please save the date for our Annual Pearland Student Ministry Church-Wide Garage Sale that will take place May 2-3 in the MFC and FLC.
The Garage Sale will start on Friday, May 2, from 4 pm-7 pm. There will be a $5 dollar fee on Friday to have the first shot at all of the great deals. The Garage Sale will reopen on Saturday, May 3, from 8 am-3 pm.
We will be accepting donations on Sunday, April 27, from 3 pm-5 pm and April 28-30 from 9 am-4 pm. For large items that you are not able to deliver yourself, please contact the church office before April 22. Pick-ups will take place on the afternoon and evening of April 27.
For more information call or text Robin Tatem at 713-232-9482.

U.M. Army is a Mission camp that has been a part of this church's ministry for many years. This year's camp will take place June 1-7 in Huntsville, Texas. It is a week-long service camp that gives students grades 8-12 and adults the chance to go out into a community and be the hands and feet of Christ as they share their faith through acts of service. They will take part in Construction projects, minor home repair, painting, and other outreach opportunities. This is a life-changing event that you won't want to miss.
If you need a scholarship, please reach out to John McClure, jmcclure@fumcpearland.org.

Lakeview Summer Camp
Summer Camp at Lakeview is one of the best weeks you will spend this summer! Our church has been devoted for years to engage our children and youth in the Summer camp experience because it helps them develop a deeper understanding of God, explore their spirituality, and strengthen their relationship with Christ. We have typically taken a large contingent, because we feel it is that powerful!
REGISTRATION IS OPEN NOW AND CLOSES MAY 15! If your child (entering 1st grade through graduated senior) is interested in attending this year, you can sign up for Session A at the link below! You can begin making payments when you register. Transportation will be on a first come, first serve basis, so make sure you register early! Refunds will be made for cancellations that happen 4 weeks prior to camp.
For more information, contact John McClure (jmclure@fumcpearland.org).

Vacation Bible School: "Live It Out!"
FUMC Pearland is excited to host Vacation Bible School this summer the week of June 23-27!
VBS will be offered to kids who have completed Pre-K 3 (potty trained) through those who have completed 3rd grade. Each year we serve hundreds of the children in our community and we are only able to do so because of amazing volunteers like YOU!
Volunteer Registration is open now! Thank you for being a part of this special event for so many families. We will send information about volunteer training closer to the scheduled date. Camper Registration opens April 28, and closes on June 1. Our Family Fun Night will take place on June 27.
Please contact Shannon Garza if you have any immediate registration questions or concerns.

PSM Escape the Room
Calling all students (5th-12th grade)! Come and join us on Sunday, March 23, as we escape out regular schedules and have an amazing afternoon out with friends. We will divide into teams by age level and compete to see who can escape first. It will be a lot of fun and a great chance for you to invite friends and get to know each other better.
COST: $20 (plus money for food)
LEAVE: 2:30 pm
ARRIVE BACK: 6:30 pm
Please RSVP by Wednesday, March 12, so that we know how many drivers and seatbelts.

Pearland Old Town Revitalization Open House
The City of Pearland's Old Town Revitalization Plan is ready for input from you! As city planners, economic developers, businesses and residents learn the possibilities for the area surrounding FUMC Pearland, come discover and discern how our church will participate.
Join us on March 11 from 5:30 to 7:30 pm in the Memorial Fellowship Center to see the plans and offer your input as well as dream how FUMC Pearland will love our neighbors in the near future.

Garage Sale Parent Meeting
Hi Parents! It is time to plan for our annual church garage sale benefiting PSM. Proceeds from this sale help fund camp scholarships, charter buses to camp, and many other youth activities throughout the year. Please enjoy dinner with the youth at 5 pm, then move to youth building at 5:30 to learn how we can all help make this year's garage sale a success!

Ash Wednesday Dinner & Discussion
Join us for a special Ash Wednesday Dinner & Discussion from 6:15-7:30 pm in the Family Life Center. Together we will share a simple meal and guided conversation about the beauty of creation, the reality of humanity and how God's grace can't help but show up! Ashes will be shared at the start of the event and PearlandKIDS will offer a special Ash Wednesday experience created especially for kids Kinder-4th grade. Pizza will be provided! Childcare is available for nursery/preschool aged children.

PearlandKIDS Ash Wednesday Experience
Join PearlandKIDS for an Ash Wednesday experience created special for kids Kinder-4th grade. Pizza dinner provided. Childcare is available for nursery/preschool aged children.
For information about this and other PearlandKIDS activities, contact Shannon Garza, Director of PearlandKIDS (shannon@fumcpearland.org).

Ash Wednesday Service
We will observe Ash Wednesday on March 5. Ash Wednesday begins the season of Lent, a time when many Christians prepare for Easter by observing a period of fasting, repentance, moderation and spiritual discipline. Ash Wednesday first appears in the rituals of The United Methodist Church or our predecessor denominations in the 20th century. On this day, we emphasize two themes: our sinfulness before God and our human mortality. This focus helps us realize that both have been triumphed through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
We will have a Traditional Ash Wednesday Service at 12:00 noon in the Sanctuary, with liturgy, songs, a message, and the imposition of ashes.

Troop 464 Annual Pancake Supper Fundraiser
It’s time again for our Scout Troop 464 Annual Pancake Supper and Auction! This community event is a highlight of the year, and will take place March 1 from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm in the Family Life Center. For a $6 donation you will receive an all-you-can-eat pancake plate. Children under 5 eat free! There will also be live and silent auctions.
Tickets are on sale NOW; you can purchase them on Sunday, February 9, in the Narthex or the Family Life Center Lobby.
We appreciate your support for our Scouting Program!

MIA Steak Night
The Men In Action will be hosting our 3rd Annual Steak Night on Friday, February 21, 2025 at 6:00 pm in the Memorial Fellowship Center. We invite you to register now; registration is required in order to make sure we have enough food for everyone. You can register at the link below! Please feel free to invite a friend-make sure they register here as well.
Registration closes on Sunday, February 16. You don’t want to miss this great opportunity for Men’s Fellowship!

Parents' Night Out
PearlandKIDS is hosting another Parents' Night Out! It will be on Friday, February 15 from 5:30-8:00 pm and costs $10 per child. While your kids enjoy an evening of fun at the church, you can go out and celebrate Valentine's Day!
Register at the link below!

Men In Action BBQ Fundraiser
Please help support the Men In Action with our Annual BBQ Pulled Pork Fundraiser by stopping by the MFC on Sunday, February 9, 2025 after the 10:45 service.
This year, we will be offering Pre-Purchase Pulled Pork by the Pound. Pre-Purchase your dinner for Super Bowl Sunday!
The pulled pork will be $16/lb and $9 for sandwich, chips, and cookie.
Thank you for helping support the Men In Action at First United Methodist Church Pearland!

2025 Women's Retreat
Hey ladies! Our Women's Retreat is coming up! It will be held in Round Top, Texas, on January 31-February 2, 2025. Our theme for the weekend will be Rest on Us, and we will talk about how God calls us to rest, recharge, and be restored. Our theme verse is Matthew 11:28-29. We hope you can join us on this weekend of fellowship, connection, and worship. You can expect great fellowship, fun breakout sessions and an open afternoon on Saturday to explore Round Top. Whether that's shopping, indulging in Royers Pie, or relaxing at the retreat center.
The cost for this wonderful weekend is $200, and registration is open. We are so excited for you to join us!
For more information, contact Kat Seume (kseume@sbcglobal.net) or Amanda Thompkins (a.e.tompkins2016@gmail.com)

CJ Harris Elementary Snack Bag Donations
FUMC Pearland Church In Action is committed to filling real needs of our partners in the community. Volunteers will be packing snacks bags for CJ Harris students facing food insecurity and your donations are appreciated.
Purchase items needed from the Amazon Wish List linked below and have your order delivered to the church in time for a snack bag packing on Sunday, February 16, 9:30-10:30 am in the MFC.
If you're interested in learning more about how you can help, contact Yvonne Edwards directly, yedwards563@gmail.com.

Financial Peace University
Financial Peace University (FPU) is a nine week class that will help participants learn how to pay off debt, invest wisely for their future, and how to live out what the Bible says about money. Class will meet in the Assembly Room starting Sunday, January 12, 2025 from 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm.
There is $79.00 fee required for the class and includes the weekly video presentations, a workbook and a variety of resources provided by FPU. A couple shares a membership.
Childcare will be available with Advance reservation only.

MIA Meet-Up Dinner
The Men In Action will meet up for dinner on Friday, January 10, at 6:30 pm at Magnolia Cajun Comfort (1807 Broadway Street, Suite 113 Pearland, TX 77581). Each guest will be able to enjoy a special menu consisting of Salad or Gumbo, a choice from three entrees, and dessert for $25.00. Water, tea and soda is included in the price.
Sign up is required to ensure the restaurant is prepared for the number of guests.
Please join us for fellowship and a meal and be sure to invite a friend!
Click the below link to sign up!

Happy Birthday, Jesus Party!
Come celebrate Jesus' birthday with PearlandKIDS on Christmas Eve! We will host our annual birthday party for Jesus from 4:00-5:00 pm in the MFC between Christmas Eve services. Bring the whole family! We will have cake, Christmas story time, activities and more!

Christmas Eve Services
We invite you to joyously celebrate the Christmas Season and welcome the greatest gift of all-God becoming one of us! We have three Christmas Eve services to choose from:
3:00 pm Traditional Worship in the Sanctuary
5:00 pm NewSong Worship in the Family Life Center
6:00 pm Traditional Worship in the Sanctuary

NewSong Carols Service
Join us for a special NewSong Worship Experience on Sunday, December 22, at 10:45am in the Family Life Center. Together we will sing carols and share mini-messages about what Christmas really means. This is a family-friendly event for all ages!

Holiday Hoopla
Holiday Hoopla is an amazing night for students to experience a night out with friends and other youth of the Southeast District. We have a great time of worship, fellowship, and fun. Every year, this is an event you don't want to miss! All 6th-12th graders are invited to join us as we continue to kick off the season the right way.
This year we have made some changes to our food and activities at Jumping World. We will also offer a trivia contest, BINGO, and card games, and we welcome you to bring a favorite board game.
Hoopla Schedule:
8:15 pm Meet at FUMC Pearland
10:00 pm Bay Harbour UMC -snacks, stage games, worship (music by Bay Harbour praise band and Speaker Markley Rogers)
12:00 am Jumping World
2:30 am Main Event
Cost : $40 cash per person (pay the night of the event)
Students will need $$$ for concessions at Jumping World and Main Event
Contact John McClure to RSVP by December 10.

Blue Christmas
The Christmas Season brings a lot of joy, but not everyone is up and cheery for the Christmas holidays. Life can sometimes present impediments to one’s joy; dealing with the death of a loved one, coping with the loss of a job, feeling lonely and isolated, living with a disease that puts a question mark over the future, and many other situations that can make one “blue”. For some, Christmas may simply bring up painful memories. Life situations can sometimes make the holidays difficult for many of us.
On Friday, December 20, we invite you to join us as we come together for “Blue Christmas-A Service of Hope and Comfort”, a reflective and meditative experience, at 6:30 in the FUMC Sanctuary. All who desire to be there are invited to join us in a service where we acknowledge our grief and pain, and also embrace the hope that is promised during this season. Jesus promises that hope. This is an opportunity to lean on God’s love, trusting that grace meets us in our vulnerability, guiding us toward healing and wholeness with God, ourselves, our neighbors, and all of creation.

Senior Adult Christmas Luncheon
All Senior Adults are invited to a Christmas Luncheon on Wednesday, December 18, at 11:30 am in the MFC. Come and enjoy good food, fellowship, and Christmas Cheer!
Please RSVP by Wednesday, December 11. You can RSVP by contacting Amy Sprott or John McClure in the church office or by signing up through your Sunday School Class; a sign-up will be available in your class folders.
We are so excited to celebrate with you and can't wait for the fun event!

Family Light Night
Come and join the holiday cheer on Sunday, December 15, at 5:00 pm as we caravan through Green Tee to enjoy the Christmas lights together. We will meet at the Gazebo at City Hall (3519 Liberty Drive, Pearland, TX 77581) before heading out to see the lights. We will have holiday treats (cookies, cocoa, and cider) and sing carols. This year, we even added Santa!! We can't wait to share the evening with you and your family.
Hosted by PearlandKIDS and Pearland Student Ministries

Pearland High School Kantorei Concert
FUMC Pearland is proud to present Pearland High School Choir's Kantorei in concert. This elite small chamber ensemble will present many Christmas favorites along with small group and solo performances! Please join us in the Sanctuary on Friday, December 13, at 7:00 pm for a delightful evening of music.
The Pearland High School Choir is under the direction of Michael Kessler and Jacquelyn Vondette.

Lessons & Carols
We are excited to invite you to join us on Sunday, December 8, to hear the Traditional Music Ministry's presentation of Lessons and Carols. This is a special Sunday service dedicated to music and telling the story of our new reality of being in relationship with God as we celebrate the birth of Christ!
Please join us at either the 8:30 am or 10:45 am Traditional Worship Services to celebrate this incredible moment through music and message. We can't wait to see you there!

Parents' Night Out
PearlandKIDS is hosting another Parents' Night Out! On December 6, parents, you will have the opportunity to leave your children in the care of our wonderful Nursery staff and volunteers as you enjoy a Date Night! Register at the link below.
For information about this and other PearlandKIDS activities, contact Shannon Garza, Director of PearlandKIDS (shannon@fumcpearland.org).

Giving Tuesday
After Black Friday and Cyber Monday, there’s Giving Tuesday—the day we give back to the non-profit organizations that are vital to our community. On December 3, 2024, people all around the world are coming together to tap into the power of human connection and strengthen communities and change our world. Will you be one of them?
FUMC Pearland will be participating in Giving Tuesday and we need you! By joining the Giving Tuesday movement, you’re proving that generosity can bring the whole world together.
There’s a fundamental truth that gives us hope – that together in community we can do extraordinary things. As a community we can come together to stand up, help out, give back, and heal. Whether that’s through donations to community organizations, celebrating doctors and nurses at shift changes, or reaching out to a neighbor to help with groceries, it is in our ability to recognize there is more that connects us than separates us that makes us greater.
FUMC Pearland is vital to our community, and the best thing we can do for our community is to come alongside people as we show them how we love God and love others.
When you give to FUMC Pearland, you are not only supporting our weekly programming that supports this mission, you are also supporting numerous ministries and programs that reach out into our community and share the love of Jesus. Let’s all do our part to make this Giving Tuesday the best it has ever been! Go to the GIVE NOW button below, and select GIVING TUESDAY. We will announce the results of this special day of giving on Wednesday, December 4!

Christmas Poinsettias
Purchase a poinsettia plant in honor or memory of those special persons in your life. Plants are $12.00 each. The poinsettias will decorate our worship spaces and then can be taken after the December 24 services to decorate your home, deliver to a loved one, or plant for next year. The deadline to order is Sunday, December 15. If you have any questions, please contact Charlotte Flader in the church office, 281.485.1466 or email charlottef@fumcpearland.org.
Envelopes for poinsettia orders will be available in the Sanctuary Narthex and FLC Lobby on Sunday mornings. You can also order online at the link below.

PSM Family Thanksgiving
Come and join us on Sunday, November 17 for Family Thanksgiving. We will meet at 4 pm to sort and build Thanksgiving baskets. After we work on the Thanksgiving baskets, we will eat together.
You can sign up below to bring a side dish to our Thanksgiving potluck. Fried turkey and smoked ham will be provided.
This is a Family event, so all are invited. And this is a great opportunity for anyone who needs service hours. We are excited to see you as we serve others and have a blast doing it.

PearlandKIDS Pizza in the Park
On Sunday, November 17, join PearlandKIDS at pizza lunch in the park following 10:45 am services. This will be a fun event for kids, and an opportunity for parents to get to know one another as we get together for fellowship and lunch.
For information about this and other PearlandKIDS activities, contact Shannon Garza, Director of PearlandKIDS (shannon@fumcpearland.org).

Angel Tree
Once again we are partnering with Pearland ISD as Christmas Angels. Please wrap the gifts and place them in the bag with their label and return gifts to the Narthax or FLC lobby by Sunday, December 1. Thank you so much for sharing Christ's love with these children!

Women's Night
This month's Women's Night is tomorrow, November 15 from 6-8 pm at Hometown Seafood, 5010 Broadway St, Pearland, TX 77581. We hope you can drop in for fellowship and good food!