Traditional Worship
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Join us for worship in the Sanctuary
Sundays at 8:30 & 10:45 am
Our Traditional service takes place in the Sanctuary. Every week you will hear a practical, Bible-based message.
Communion is served during all services on the first Sunday of every month. Individually-wrapped elements are available for those that prefer to participate that way.
Families & Children
We encourage families to worship together. Children are welcome and invited to stay in worship with you if you wish.
During all of our services, we also have a time especially designed for the children, ages K-4th grade, called PearlandKIDS Sermon Session! Children are invited into a separate space where they have time for fellowship and an age appropriate lesson during the sermon. Children then return to the worship service for communion with their family or the final worship song.
PearlandKIDS nursery is available for ages birth through preschool for the duration of each service. Here your kids will engage in age appropriate bible lessons and songs.
There is also a comfort room at the back of the Sanctuary if you need to step out.
Music includes the traditional sounds of a piano, organ, and the Sanctuary Choir as well as other musical ensembles and hand-bell choirs.
Both services take place in our sanctuary, where you will find cushioned pews, a choir loft located behind the raised chancel and altar area, and screens containing lyrics and information that support the worship experience. Bibles and United Methodist Hymnals are located in each pew.
Current Sermon Series
We are all becoming something. That’s the crux of the human experience: the process of becoming a person. To be human is to change. To grow. To evolve. This is by God’s design. It’s only human to be drawn to someone and desire to become like them. This is how God wired us to grow. The question is, Who or What am I becoming? If you have a desire to follow Jesus, here is the reality we must face: if we’re not intentionally formed by Jesus himself, then we are most likely being formed by someone or something else.
Contrary to popular belief, Jesus didn’t invite people to convert to Christianity or to even become Christians. He invited people to learn a new way of living, and be transformed. Transformation is possible if we are willing to listen to Jesus; “Come, follow Me”. Following Jesus means doing what Jesus did. It means Practicing the Way.