
PearlandKIDS is committed to partnering with families to make disciples by meeting ALL children where they are and connecting with them. We believe that Scripture is life-changing and helps us grow and nurtures our relationship with Jesus. Each child is unique, and we seek opportunities for children to discover and develop their unique gifts so they can care for the needs of others and share the love of Jesus with everyone they meet!

Spend Time With God, Spend Time With Others, Use Your Gifts, and Share Your Story are the 4 Spiritual Habits featured in our GROW curriculum. Every week, children learn more about these spiritual habits through unique videos, activities, discussions, and experiences.

Sunday Morning Activities

  • Sermon Sessions

    Each Sunday during all of our worship services we offer a time especially designed for the children ages K-4th grade called PearlandKIDS Sermon Session! Children are invited into a kid friendly space where they have time for fellowship and an age appropriate lesson during the sermon. Children then return to the worship service for communion with their family or the final worship song.

    Our volunteers have all submitted background checks, receive regular training, and follow Safe Sanctuary guidelines.

  • Sunday School

    At 9:30 am, we have Sunday School for children grades K-4th.

    We are using GROW curriculum and as we celebrate Easter together through the story of Jesus this month, we're going to be learning about how God's love lights up the darkness and how we can glow with God's love, too!

    Our volunteers have all submitted background checks, receive regular training, and follow Safe Sanctuary guidelines.

  • Nursery

    PearlandKIDS nursery is available for ages birth through preschool for the duration of each service and Sunday School. Here your kids will engage in age appropriate bible lessons and songs.

Upcoming Events


Family is your first church.  

As Jessica Lagrone, mother and theologian, said in the forward to Grow at Home, "Family is the place where we develop our first inklings of what God is like, whether someone knows they are teaching or not. Faith is formed at the dinner table, in questions thrown back and forth from the backseat, and in bedtime conversations."

It is in the routines of our every day life that we form the faith of our children. Parents, because you matter so much, we want to help you make faith a family practice.