Discipleship Journey
The journey from encountering Jesus to sharing Him with the world involves placing your life before God.
Jesus first disciples called themselves “Followers of the Way”. Discipleship begins with a call from Jesus to “come and follow me.”
This may be the most important thing we ever do.
The Discipleship Journey is a framework designed to help us model our lives after Jesus. The word ‘disciple’ comes from the Latin word “discipulus,” meaning “learner” or “apprentice.” As lifelong “learners,” we are seeking to grow and be changed by Jesus. This guide will provide tools to help you identify next steps you might want to take on the Discipleship Journey. It will help you determine where you are on your life journey and choose what’s best for you at any stage. Once you’ve discovered where you are now, you can choose from our ministries.
For more info, contact Susan McElya, Director of Discipleship,
with any questions you may have or information you may need regarding Discipleship Groups at smcelya@fumcpearland.org
Discipleship Journey Self Assessment
We invite you to reflect on the phases of discipleship on the journey. Then you can use the tools on this page, in the Discipleship Journey brochure, or work with the Discipleship Director or mentor to determine what next steps you may need to take. You may find yourself in a different phase of the pathway at different times in your life. Moving back and forth between them is common as we explore new depths of faith.
Signs of a Disciple
We believe there are certain indicators in the life of followers of Jesus Christ. These indicators might look different for you during different phases on the Journey.
Pursue a continuing conversation with God and the knowledge that, whatever is on your heart, God is listening.
Be present within the church community: physically, mentally, and spiritually. Be present in the broader world through the support of local and global missions.
Good stewardship of our time, talents, and resources is what we are all called to do. No matter what or how much you give, your gifts make a huge difference in the life and the mission of the church, here and abroad.
We are called to live in service to one another in love. There are numerous service opportunities, both locally and globally, in which our members can serve.
Share the love of God in your conversations and in the way you treat others. Share God by being a voice of peace, hope, and love in our world. Share your faith-filled story.
Ways to Get Involved
Cultivating Prayer & Scripture
Begin a daily time of Bible reading
Make Prayer part of your daily life
Being Present
Respond to Invitation
Be present in Community
Sharing Your Gifts
Give a monetary gift to FUMC Pearland
Learn about Spiritual Gifts
Serving Others
Learn about Church in Action
Witnessing for Christ
Invite a Friend to Church
Cultivating Prayer & Scripture
Memorize a favorite Bible verse
Pray for people on the Church Prayer List
Being Present
Commit to a Sunday School Class or Spiritual Growth Group
Become a Member/Partner
Sharing Your Gifts
Give regularly to FUMC Pearland Mission and Ministry
Serving Others
Participate in a Church in Action Project
Volunteer in a Ministry at FUMC
Witnessing for Christ
Know your faith story, write it down
Cultivating Prayer & Scripture
Attend a Walk to Emmaus Retreat
Journal your prayers
Being Present
Volunteer in Worship
Talk to someone new at Church
Sharing Your Gifts
Increase Giving to a percentage tithe
Use your gifts volunteering
Serving Others
Participate in a Mission Trip
Witnessing for Christ
Share your Testimony
Cultivating Prayer & Scripture
Join a Prayer Group
Lead a Bible Study/Spiritual Growth Group
Being Present
Advocate for justice within and beyond the local church
Become a Mentor
Sharing Your Gifts
Give sacrificially above your regular tithes and offerings
Serving Others
Volunteer with a Church in Action Partner outside the walls of FUMC
Lead a Serve Team
Witnessing for Christ
Become a mentor for persons new in their faith journey.