Traditional Sermon Videos
• 2/9/25
Beneath The Surface-"It's Not About Who You Are-It's About Who You Are Becoming"
Beneath the Surface is a four-week study exploring identity beyond external traits like style or reputation. It delves into discovering who God created us to be and how following Jesus shapes our journey. By examining key moments from Jesus' early life, this series reveals how God helps uncover our true selves, how meaningful relationships foster growth, and how Jesus guides us in finding our purpose. It invites reflection on what lies beneath the surface of our lives.
• 3/9/25
Practicing The Way- "Apprentice to Jesus"
Who are you following? Everybody is following somebody. Put another way: We’re all disciples. The question isn’t “Are you a disciple?” but, “Who or what are you a disciple of?”. What does it mean to be a disciple or apprentice of Jesus? To be an apprentice or disciple of Jesus, it means to organize your life around three driving goals: (1) Be with Jesus, (2) Become like Jesus, and (3) Do as He did.
• 1/19/25
Leading Renewal in Abundance
We have many churches in our community of all sizes and affiliations. Some exist just to exist. A church should do more than just exist. A church should equip people to THRIVE! As a church that has existed over 100 years, we have experienced ups and downs. But we have always wanted to be a community of people that equip, encourage, and engage our community in our witness and service to the transformative power of Jesus. In other words, to live a life where we THRIVE!
In this Series, THRIVE-Leading Renewal, we will focus our energies on partnering with God to enhance congregational thriving and flourishing in our church and in our community. We will live into five markers of what it means to THRIVE-Clarity, Witness, Abundance, Kinship, and Joy. We are at a critical moment for our church, and in order to continue living into the dynamic community we will be, we will commit to becoming a church that enthusiastically leads our community to transformation and renewal in these changing times!
• 12/1/24
The Gift of Community
The beautiful thing about the Christmas story is God taking on human flesh and becoming one of us. This was His gift to us! The birth of Jesus means God is not distant—God is with us.
• 11/10/24
This Matters-The Holy Spirit
During this election cycle, we will be inundated with commercials, social media posts, and
conversations telling us what people say really matters. No matter how someone labels their
perspective (progressive vs. conservative, right vs. wrong, up vs. down), everyone thinks how they feel
is what really matters. While not minimizing the importance of an election season, we believe that
there is something more that matters-our faith and belief in the Trinity. The Trinity (God the Father,
God the Son, God the Holy Spirit) explains who God is, sets God apart from other gods, explains
God’s love, and helps us understand God. The Trinity is what distinguishes a loving and divine God
from everything else. Our faith is more important than any election cycle. The Trinity Matters because
God Matters.
• 11/3/24
This Matters-God The Son
During this election cycle, we will be inundated with commercials, social media posts, and
conversations telling us what people say really matters. No matter how someone labels their
perspective (progressive vs. conservative, right vs. wrong, up vs. down), everyone thinks how they feel
is what really matters. While not minimizing the importance of an election season, we believe that
there is something more that matters-our faith and belief in the Trinity. The Trinity (God the Father,
God the Son, God the Holy Spirit) explains who God is, sets God apart from other gods, explains
God’s love, and helps us understand God. The Trinity is what distinguishes a loving and divine God
from everything else. Our faith is more important than any election cycle. The Trinity Matters because
God Matters.
• 10/27/24
This Matters
During this election cycle, we will be inundated with commercials, social media posts, andconversations telling us what people say really matters. No matter how someone labels their
perspective (progressive vs. conservative, right vs. wrong, up vs. down), everyone thinks how they feel
is what really matters. While not minimizing the importance of an election season, we believe that
there is something more that matters-our faith and belief in the Trinity. The Trinity (God the Father,
God the Son, God the Holy Spirit) explains who God is, sets God apart from other gods, explains
God’s love, and helps us understand God. The Trinity is what distinguishes a loving and divine God
from everything else. Our faith is more important than any election cycle. The Trinity Matters because
God Matters.
• 9/22/24
FUMC - Pearland Traditional | 8:30 | 9-22-24 | "The Missional Lens", Luke 5: 12-15, NIV | Reggie Clemons
In order to “See the People” beyond ourselves, we will look to the book of Luke as a guide for how to see through the lens of mission, compassion, discipleship, question and participation. What do each of these look like to a follower of Jesus’ way? What can we learn and apply to our lives today? How do we learn to see, reach and make a difference in the world around us, really?
• 9/1/24
FUMC - Pearland Traditional | 9-1-24 | "God Chooses to be Generous" | Robert Besser
Who are we called to see? To whom should we extend our reach? Is praying for those in need, lost, without salvation enough or should we be doing, going, trying more? Join us for a five week discussion on what it means to actually see and be drawn to reach toward our neighbors, their curiosity, concerns and needs. We will close this series with an experiential day of seeing and reaching beyond our walls and into our community.
• 8/18/24
FUMC - Pearland Traditional | 10:45 | 8-18-24 | "A New Thing", Isaiah 43: 15-19 Reggie Clemons
Who are we called to see? To whom should we extend our reach? Is praying for those in need, lost, without salvation enough or should we be doing, going, trying more? Join us for a five week discussion on what it means to actually see and be drawn to reach toward our neighbors, their curiosity, concerns and needs. We will close this series with an experiential day of seeing and reaching beyond our walls and into our community. -
• 8/11/24
FUMC - Pearland Traditional | 8-11-24 | 2 Timothy 1:1-14 | Thea Curry-Fuson
We are in the season where we celebrate the Olympic spirit. As the whole world watches our best athletes overcome mental, physical and spiritual feats as living proof of the amazing power of one’s will to succeed, how might Christ’s witnesses also strengthen our willingness to share our stories of God’s gold medal win over sin, shame and the grave to offer life new? Join us for a summer of storytelling, sharing God’s triumph over personal defeat and offering true victory and new life too!
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• 8/4/24
FUMC - Pearland Traditional | 8-1-24 | "Hidden Figures Matter" | Reggie Clemons
We are in the season where we celebrate the Olympic spirit. As the whole world watches our best athletes overcome mental, physical and spiritual feats as living proof of the amazing power of one’s will to succeed, how might Christ’s witnesses also strengthen our willingness to share our stories of God’s gold medal win over sin, shame and the grave to offer life new? Join us for a summer of storytelling, sharing God’s triumph over personal defeat and offering true victory and new life too!
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• 7/21/24
FUMC - Pearland Traditional | 7-21-24 | 10:45 | " Reset and Restore", 1 Peter 5:6-10 | John McClure
We are in the season where we celebrate the Olympic spirit. As the whole world watches our best athletes overcome mental, physical and spiritual feats as living proof of the amazing power of one’s will to succeed, how might Christ’s witnesses also strengthen our willingness to share our stories of God’s gold medal win over sin, shame and the grave to offer life new? Join us for a summer of storytelling, sharing God’s triumph over personal defeat and offering true victory and new life too!
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• 7/14/24
FUMC - Pearland Traditional | 7-14-24 | 10:45 | "The Beautiful Mess", Romans 5: 1-8 | Melody Kraus
We are in the season where we celebrate the Olympic spirit. As the whole world watches our best athletes overcome mental, physical and spiritual feats as living proof of the amazing power of one’s will to succeed, how might Christ’s witnesses also strengthen our willingness to share our stories of God’s gold medal win over sin, shame and the grave to offer life new? Join us for a summer of storytelling, sharing God’s triumph over personal defeat and offering true victory and new life too!
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• 7/7/24
FUMC - Pearland Traditional | 7-7-24 | 10:45 | "A Triumphant Spirit", Romans 8: 33-39 | Reggie Clemons
We are in the season where we celebrate the Olympic spirit. As the whole world watches our best athletes overcome mental, physical and spiritual feats as living proof of the amazing power of one’s will to succeed, how might Christ’s witnesses also strengthen our willingness to share our stories of God’s gold medal win over sin, shame and the grave to offer life new? Join us for a summer of storytelling, sharing God’s triumph over personal defeat and offering true victory and new life too!
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• 6/30/24
FUMC - Pearland Traditional | 6-30-24 | 10:45 | "Seeing God in Cinema"
When’s the last time you saw a good movie? Or better, a God movie? Where might God’s message of love, redemption and new life sneak its way into the top blockbuster films of now and yesterday? Join us for a few weeks finding God in GOoD movies; popcorn not included!
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• 6/23/24
FUMC - Pearland Traditional | 6-23-24 | 8:30 | GOod Movies - "Dune" | Trey Praytor
When’s the last time you saw a good movie? Or better, a God movie? Where might God’s message of love, redemption and new life sneak its way into the top blockbuster films of now and yesterday? Join us for a few weeks finding God in GOoD movies; popcorn not included!
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• 6/9/24
FUMC - Pearland Traditional | 6-9-24 | 8:30 | GOod Movies - "Defending Your Life"| Bryan White
When’s the last time you saw a good movie? Or better, a God movie? Where might God’s message of love, redemption and new life sneak its way into the top blockbuster films of now and yesterday? Join us for a few weeks finding God in GOoD movies; popcorn not included!
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• 5/26/24
FUMC - Pearland Traditional | 5-26-24 | 8:30 | "Let’s Celebrate!-"A Firm Foundation",| Reggie Clemons
The Book of Acts is the story of God’s grace flooding out to the world. From the death and resurrection of Jesus to the ends of the earth, sharing the Gospel is the most prominent theme in Acts. There, God’s passionate pursuit of people, beginning in Jerusalem, expanding to Samaria and the rest of the world. Acts makes it clear that no one is beyond the scope of God’s saving power, nor is anyone exempt from the need for God’s redeeming grace. This is the essence of the Gospel that we are called to share.
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• 5/19/24
FUMC - Pearland Traditional | 5-19-24 8:30 | "Let’s Celebrate!-Taking it to the Streets! | Reggie Clemons
The Book of Acts is the story of God’s grace flooding out to the world. From the death and resurrection of Jesus to the ends of the earth, sharing the Gospel is the most prominent theme in Acts. There, God’s passionate pursuit of people, beginning in Jerusalem, expanding to Samaria and the rest of the world. Acts makes it clear that no one is beyond the scope of God’s saving power, nor is anyone exempt from the need for God’s redeeming grace. This is the essence of the Gospel that we are called to share.
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• 6/2/24
FUMC - Pearland Traditional | 6-2-24 | 8:30 | "Star Trek-The Motion Pictures", Isaiah 40: 28-31,| Reggie Clemons
When’s the last time you saw a good movie? Or better, a God movie? Where might God’s message of love, redemption and new life sneak its way into the top blockbuster films of now and yesterday? Join us for a few weeks finding God in GOoD movies; popcorn not included!
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• 5/5/24
FUMC - Pearland Traditional | 5-5-24 8:30 | "Good to Great", 1 Peter 3: 1-7 | Bryan White
The Book of Acts is the story of God’s grace flooding out to the world. From the death and resurrection of Jesus to the ends of the earth, sharing the Gospel is the most prominent theme in Acts. There, God’s passionate pursuit of people, beginning in Jerusalem, expanding to Samaria and the rest of the world. Acts makes it clear that no one is beyond the scope of God’s saving power, nor is anyone exempt from the need for God’s redeeming grace. This is the essence of the Gospel that we are called to share.
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• 5/12/24
FUMC - Pearland Traditional | 5-12-24 8:30 | Let’s Celebrate!-Remain in My Love | Reggie Clemons
With plenty to cause us gloom, doom and exhaustion today, “Let’s Celebrate!” takes a moment to pause, reflect and celebrate the great things God is and continues to do in the life of believers and here at FUMC Pearland. Join us for a month of celebration of our student, family, and adult ministries, and mom’s and MOPS community. We celebrate the power of confirming one’s faith and putting it to action as well as all that we have gained and are guided by the saints that have gone before us, rooting us deep in Christ’s love and possibility of new reality!
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• 4/28/24
"Gospel Shared - Break Through | John McClure
The Book of Acts is the story of God’s grace flooding out to the world. From the death and resurrection of Jesus to the ends of the earth, sharing the Gospel is the most prominent theme in Acts. There, God’s passionate pursuit of people, beginning in Jerusalem, expanding to Samaria and the rest of the world. Acts makes it clear that no one is beyond the scope of God’s saving power, nor is anyone exempt from the need for God’s redeeming grace. This is the essence of the Gospel that we are called to share.
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• 4/21/24
"Gospel Shared - Beyond Boundaries | Reggie Clemons
The Book of Acts is the story of God’s grace flooding out to the world. From the death and resurrection of Jesus to the ends of the earth, sharing the Gospel is the most prominent theme in Acts. There, God’s passionate pursuit of people, beginning in Jerusalem, expanding to Samaria and the rest of the world. Acts makes it clear that no one is beyond the scope of God’s saving power, nor is anyone exempt from the need for God’s redeeming grace. This is the essence of the Gospel that we are called to share.
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• 4/14/24
"Gospel Shared - "Living", Acts 9: 36-42 | John McClure
The Book of Acts is the story of God’s grace flooding out to the world. From the death and resurrection of Jesus to the ends of the earth, sharing the Gospel is the most prominent theme in Acts. There, God’s passionate pursuit of people, beginning in Jerusalem, expanding to Samaria and the rest of the world. Acts makes it clear that no one is beyond the scope of God’s saving power, nor is anyone exempt from the need for God’s redeeming grace. This is the essence of the Gospel that we are called to share.
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• 4/7/24
"Gospel Shared-"New Life/New Sight!" | Reggie Clemons
We have been on a journey with Jesus. In The Way-Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus, we will focus on the life and teachings of Jesus. The sermons and study guides for this series will “put you on the ground,” seeing and experiencing the things Jesus saw as he traveled the length and breadth of Galilee and Judea. But this series is more than that. It is a call to discipleship. It is a journey with Christ who still walks with us and invites us to follow His footsteps. Our desire in this series is to be challenged to a greater commitment to discipleship, where we acknowledge Jesus as our Lord and Savior, gaining a deeper understanding of His life, and deepening our faith in Him and our love for Him.
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• 3/31/24
Easter Sunday 8:30 | "Resurrection! We Are Witnesses!" | Reggie Clemons
The Book of Acts is the story of God’s grace flooding out to the world. From the death and resurrection of Jesus to the ends of the earth, sharing the Gospel is the most prominent theme in Acts. There, God’s passionate pursuit of people, beginning in Jerusalem, expanding to Samaria and the rest of the world. Acts makes it clear that no one is beyond the scope of God’s saving power, nor is anyone exempt from the need for God’s redeeming grace. This is the essence of the Gospel that we are called to share.
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• 3/28/24
FUMC - Pearland Traditional | Maundy Thursday | "I Come to the Garden, Alone" | John McClure
Maundy Thursday, also known as Holy Thursday, is a significant day in the Christian liturgical calendar, falling on the Thursday before Easter Sunday. It commemorates several events that occurred during the final days of Jesus Christ's life, particularly the Last Supper.
The name "Maundy" is derived from the Latin word "mandatum," meaning commandment, referring to Jesus' commandment to his disciples at the Last Supper to love one another as he had loved them. This is often symbolized by Jesus washing the feet of his disciples, demonstrating humility and service.
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• 3/29/24
NewSong - Pearland | 3-29-24 | Good Friday
Good Friday, observed on the Friday before Easter Sunday, is a significant day in the Christian calendar that commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his death at Calvary. It is a solemn and reflective day for Christians around the world.
Overall, Good Friday is a day of profound significance for Christians, serving as a solemn remembrance of Jesus' crucifixion and the central event of the Christian faith. It prepares believers for the joyous celebration of Easter Sunday, when Christians commemorate Jesus' resurrection from the dead and the triumph of life over death.
• 3/24/24
"The Final Week-Palm Sunday" | 10:45 | Reggie Clemons
We have been on a journey with Jesus. In The Way-Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus, we will focus on the life and teachings of Jesus. The sermons and study guides for this series will “put you on the ground,” seeing and experiencing the things Jesus saw as he traveled the length and breadth of Galilee and Judea. But this series is more than that. It is a call to discipleship. It is a journey with Christ who still walks with us and invites us to follow His footsteps. Our desire in this series is to be challenged to a greater commitment to discipleship, where we acknowledge Jesus as our Lord and Savior, gaining a deeper understanding of His life, and deepening our faith in Him and our love for Him.
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• 3/17/24
"Sinners, Outcasts, and the Poor" | Reggie Clemons
We have been on a journey with Jesus. In The Way-Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus, we will focus on the life and teachings of Jesus. The sermons and study guides for this series will “put you on the ground,” seeing and experiencing the things Jesus saw as he traveled the length and breadth of Galilee and Judea. But this series is more than that. It is a call to discipleship. It is a journey with Christ who still walks with us and invites us to follow His footsteps. Our desire in this series is to be challenged to a greater commitment to discipleship, where we acknowledge Jesus as our Lord and Savior, gaining a deeper understanding of His life, and deepening our faith in Him and our love for Him.
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• 3/10/24
"Calming the Storm" | John McClure
We have been on a journey with Jesus. In The Way-Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus, we will focus on the life and teachings of Jesus. The sermons and study guides for this series will “put you on the ground,” seeing and experiencing the things Jesus saw as he traveled the length and breadth of Galilee and Judea. But this series is more than that. It is a call to discipleship. It is a journey with Christ who still walks with us and invites us to follow His footsteps. Our desire in this series is to be challenged to a greater commitment to discipleship, where we acknowledge Jesus as our Lord and Savior, gaining a deeper understanding of His life, and deepening our faith in Him and our love for Him.
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• 3/3/24
"Proclaiming the Kingdom"| Reggie Clemons 10:45
We have been on a journey with Jesus. In The Way-Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus, we will focus on the life and teachings of Jesus. The sermons and study guides for this series will “put you on the ground,” seeing and experiencing the things Jesus saw as he traveled the length and breadth of Galilee and Judea. But this series is more than that. It is a call to discipleship. It is a journey with Christ who still walks with us and invites us to follow His footsteps. Our desire in this series is to be challenged to a greater commitment to discipleship, where we acknowledge Jesus as our Lord and Savior, gaining a deeper understanding of His life, and deepening our faith in Him and our love for Him.
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• 2/18/24
"The Healing Ministry"| Reggie Clemons
Sometimes we think it would have been nice if Jesus had been more direct. If only he had left us a set of three core principles, four spiritual laws, or one specific prayer that would make everything all right, he might have made our lives as Christians a whole lot easier. There would certainly be less disagreement and fighting over what Jesus really meant. Then again, we’d probably find things to fight about anyway. Religious people are pretty good at that.
• 1/7/24
"Renewing Our Covenant", 2 Kings 23: 1-3 | Reggie Clemons 8:30
The Covenant Service is most commonly held on New Year's Eve or Day and therefore is sometimes called a Watch Night Service. Historically, a Watch Night Service would be three hours or longer, including readings from Scripture and hymn singing. This Covenant Service would also be appropriate on one of the Sundays After the Epiphany, during Lent, on a church anniversary, or during a revival or preaching mission. Ideally, the service should be used only once a year on the same Sunday. Red is an appropriate color for paraments and vestments.
• 1/7/24
"Renewing Our Covenant", 2 Kings 23: 1-3 | Reggie Clemons 10:45
The Covenant Service is most commonly held on New Year's Eve or Day and therefore is sometimes called a Watch Night Service. Historically, a Watch Night Service would be three hours or longer, including readings from Scripture and hymn singing. This Covenant Service would also be appropriate on one of the Sundays After the Epiphany, during Lent, on a church anniversary, or during a revival or preaching mission. Ideally, the service should be used only once a year on the same Sunday. Red is an appropriate color for paraments and vestments.
• 10/29/21
NewSong Pearland | 2-25-24 | "Great is God's Faithfulness" | Bishop Cynthia Harvey
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