
Leading Renewal in Abundance

We have many churches in our community of all sizes and affiliations. Some exist just to exist. A church should do more than just exist. A church should equip people to THRIVE! As a church that has existed over 100 years, we have experienced ups and downs. But we have always wanted to be a community of people that equip, encourage, and engage our community in our witness and service to the transformative power of Jesus. In other words, to live a life where we THRIVE!

In this Series, THRIVE-Leading Renewal, we will focus our energies on partnering with God to enhance congregational thriving and flourishing in our church and in our community. We will live into five markers of what it means to THRIVE-Clarity, Witness, Abundance, Kinship, and Joy. We are at a critical moment for our church, and in order to continue living into the dynamic community we will be, we will commit to becoming a church that enthusiastically leads our community to transformation and renewal in these changing times!


Leading Renewal in Witness


Seeking The Gift 12-15-24