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Palm Sunday

  • FUMC Pearland 2314 North Grand Boulevard Pearland, TX, 77581 United States (map)

Palm Sunday is the Christian observance commemorating Jesus’ triumphant entry in Jerusalem. It is the beginning of Holy Week, the most sacred week of the Christian Year. This day gives us two important reminders--it is a reminder for Christians to welcome Jesus into their hearts and to follow Him and a reminder of Jesus’ love for people, reflected in His sacrifice on the cross.

On April 13, in observance of Palm Sunday, we will not have an 8:30 Traditional service. We will have one Traditional Service in the Sanctuary and our NewSong Service in the Family Life Center, both at 10:45 am. At the conclusion of both services, we will come together for lunch as we continue our celebration, including an Easter Egg Hunt for the kids sponsored by PearlandKids!

We want you to begin making plans now for this special celebration and for the events to come during Holy Week, and invite others to join you on this special day!

March 29

MomCo Daddy Daughter Dance

April 13

Easter Egg Hunt