We look forward to Ash Wednesday, which this year is on February 14. Ash Wednesday is important because it marks the start of the Lenten period leading up to Easter Sunday. On Ash Wednesday, we will also begin our Lenten Sermon Series, which will be based on the book by Adam Hamilton, The Way: Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus. The sermons and study guides for this series will “put you on the ground,” seeing and experiencing the things Jesus saw as He traveled the length and breadth of Galilee and Judea. But this series is more than that. It is a call to discipleship. It is a journey with Christ who still walks with us and invites us to follow His footsteps. Our desire in this series is to be challenged to a greater commitment to discipleship, where we acknowledge Jesus as our Lord and Savior, gaining a deeper understanding of His life, and deepening our faith in Him and our love for Him.
Our Ash Wednesday service will take place on February 14, at 6:30 pm, in the Sanctuary.