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Order A Poinsettia

  • FUMC Pearland 2314 North Grand Boulevard Pearland, TX, 77581 United States (map)

Purchase a poinsettia plant in honor or memory of those special persons in your life. These poinsettias will decorate our worship spaces. Plants are $12.00 each and can be taken after the December 24th services to decorate your home, delivered to a loved one or to be planted for next year. Deadline to order is Sunday, December 17th. If you have any questions, please contact the church office or Susan McElya at 281.485.1466 or

You can order online using the link below or pick up an envelope in the Narthex or FLC Lobby on Sunday morning, or stop by the church office during the week, 8:30 am - 2:00 pm.

December 10

Lessons & Carols

December 14

Senior Adult Christmas Luncheon