NewSong Sermon Videos

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  • NewSong | 03-16-25 | Practicing the Way: Be With Jesus | Cletis Rogers
  • NewSong | 02-23-25 | Beneath The Surface-Relationships
  • NewSong | 02-16-25 | Beneath The Surface-Discovery | Thea Curry-Fuson
  • NewSong | 02-09-25 | Beneath The Surface-Becoming | Bryan White
  • NewSong | 02-02-25 | Thrive | John McClure
  • NewSong | 1-26-25 | Thrive | Reggie Clemons
  • NewSong | 1-19-25 | Thrive-Leading Renewal With Abundance | Thea Curry Fuson
  • NewSong | 1-12-25 | Thrive Leading Renewal-Witness | Thea Curry Fuson
  • NewSong | 1-5-25 | Thrive Leading Renewal-Clarity | Thea Curry Fuson

    NewSong | 1-5-25 | Thrive Leading Renewal-Clarity | Thea Curry Fuson

    In this Series, THRIVE-Leading Renewal, we will focus our energies on partnering with God to enhance congregational thriving in our church and in our community. We will live into five markers of what it means to THRIVE-Clarity, Witness, Abundance, Kinship, and Joy. We are at a critical moment for our church, and in order to continue living into the dynamic community we’ll be, we’ll commit to become a church that leads our community to transformation and renewal in these changing times!

  • The Gift 12-24-24
  • The Gift 12-22-24
  • The Gift 12-25-24
  • The Gift 12-08-24
  • The Gift
    • 12/1/24

    The Gift

    The birth of Jesus means God is not distant—God is with us. He came down to meet us, to walk with us, and to remind us that we are not alone

  • I Thank God
    • 11/17/24

    I Thank God

    At Thanksgiving, it is common to focus our gratitude on our family gatherings, on great food, on our material comforts, our possessions, enjoyable relationships, and other beautiful blessings. There is no doubt that these are blessings! And we should Thank God for them.  Gratitude leads to generosity, joy, hope, peace, connection, humility, and so much more. This is a spiritual practice that not only gives praise to God, but creates a Christlike image within us. Gratitude centers and grounds us in the moment and allows the Holy Spirit to move through us. We Thank God for doing only what God can do!

  • I Thank God- Jenny Kier
    • 11/24/24

    I Thank God- Jenny Kier

    At Thanksgiving, it is common to focus our gratitude on our family gatherings, on great food, on our material comforts, our possessions, enjoyable relationships, and other beautiful blessings. There is no doubt that these are blessings! And we should Thank God for them.  Gratitude leads to generosity, joy, hope, peace, connection, humility, and so much more. This is a spiritual practice that not only gives praise to God, but creates a Christlike image within us. Gratitude centers and grounds us in the moment and allows the Holy Spirit to move through us. We Thank God for doing only what God can do!

  • FUMC - NewSong | 10-13-24 | Luke's Lens-How To See-Question | Thea Curry-Fuson
  • FUMC - NewSong | 10-20-24 | Luke's Lens-How To See - Participation  | John McClure
  • NewSong | 9-29-24 | Luke's Lens-How To See-Compassion | Thea Curry-Fuson
  • NewSong | 10-6-24 | Luke's Lens-How To See-Discipleship | Thea Curry-Fuson
  • FUMC - NewSong | 9-22-24 | Luke's Lens-How To See | Thea Curry-Fuson

    FUMC - NewSong | 9-22-24 | Luke's Lens-How To See | Thea Curry-Fuson

    In order to “See the People” beyond ourselves, we will look to the book of Luke as a guide for how to see through the lens of mission, compassion, discipleship, question and participation. What do each of these look like to a follower of Jesus’ way? What can we learn and apply to our lives today? How do we learn to see, reach and make a difference in the world around us, really?

  • FUMC - NewSong | 09-08-24 | See The People | Thea Curry-Fuson
  • FUMC - NewSong | 08-25-24 | See The People | Thea Curry-Fuson
  • FUMC - NewSong | 09-01-24 | See The People | Melissa Maher
    • 9/1/24

    FUMC - NewSong | 09-01-24 | See The People | Melissa Maher

    Who are we called to see? To whom should we extend our reach? Is praying for those in need, lost, without salvation enough or should we be doing, going, trying more? Join us for a five week discussion on what it means to actually see and be drawn to reach toward our neighbors, their curiosity, concerns and needs. We will close this series with an experiential day of seeing and reaching beyond our walls and into our community.

  • FUMC - NewSong | 8-18-24 | See The People | Thea Curry-Fuson

    FUMC - NewSong | 8-18-24 | See The People | Thea Curry-Fuson

    Who are we called to see? To whom should we extend our reach? Is praying for those in need, lost, without salvation enough or should we be doing, going, trying more? Join us for a five week discussion on what it means to actually see and be drawn to reach toward our neighbors, their curiosity, concerns and needs. We will close this series with an experiential day of seeing and reaching beyond our walls and into our community.
  • FUMC - NewSong | 8-11-24 | TESTIFY This is YOUR Story | Revelation 12: 10-11 | Reggie Clemons

    FUMC - NewSong | 8-11-24 | TESTIFY This is YOUR Story | Revelation 12: 10-11 | Reggie Clemons

    We are in the season where we celebrate the Olympic spirit. As the whole world watches our best athletes overcome mental, physical and spiritual feats as living proof of the amazing power of one’s will to succeed, how might Christ’s witnesses also strengthen our willingness to share our stories of God’s gold medal win over sin, shame and the grave to offer life new? Join us for a summer of storytelling, sharing God’s triumph over personal defeat and offering true victory and new life too!
  • FUMC - NewSong | 7-28-24 | Testify  | John McClure

    FUMC - NewSong | 7-28-24 | Testify | John McClure

    We are in the season where we celebrate the Olympic spirit. As the whole world watches our best athletes overcome mental, physical and spiritual feats as living proof of the amazing power of one’s will to succeed, how might Christ’s witnesses also strengthen our willingness to share our stories of God’s gold medal win over sin, shame and the grave to offer life new? Join us for a summer of storytelling, sharing God’s triumph over personal defeat and offering true victory and new life too!
  • FUMC - NewSong | 8-4-24 | Testify  | Arnold Arreaga

    FUMC - NewSong | 8-4-24 | Testify | Arnold Arreaga

    We are in the season where we celebrate the Olympic spirit. As the whole world watches our best athletes overcome mental, physical and spiritual feats as living proof of the amazing power of one’s will to succeed, how might Christ’s witnesses also strengthen our willingness to share our stories of God’s gold medal win over sin, shame and the grave to offer life new? Join us for a summer of storytelling, sharing God’s triumph over personal defeat and offering true victory and new life too!
  • FUMC - NewSong | 7-21-24 | Testify  | Thea Curry-Fuson

    FUMC - NewSong | 7-21-24 | Testify | Thea Curry-Fuson

    We are in the season where we celebrate the Olympic spirit. As the whole world watches our best athletes overcome mental, physical and spiritual feats as living proof of the amazing power of one’s will to succeed, how might Christ’s witnesses also strengthen our willingness to share our stories of God’s gold medal win over sin, shame and the grave to offer life new? Join us for a summer of storytelling, sharing God’s triumph over personal defeat and offering true victory and new life too!
  • FUMC NewSong 07-14-24 Testify! Stories of Triumph Thea Curry-Fuson

    FUMC NewSong 07-14-24 Testify! Stories of Triumph Thea Curry-Fuson

    We are in the season where we celebrate the Olympic spirit. As the whole world watches our best athletes overcome mental, physical and spiritual feats as living proof of the amazing power of one’s will to succeed, how might Christ’s witnesses also strengthen our willingness to share our stories of God’s gold medal win over sin, shame and the grave to offer life new? Join us for a summer of storytelling, sharing God’s triumph over personal defeat and offering true victory and new life too!
  • FUMC - NewSong | 7-7-24 | Testify- Stories of Triumph

    FUMC - NewSong | 7-7-24 | Testify- Stories of Triumph

    We are in the season where we celebrate the Olympic spirit. As the whole world watches our best athletes overcome mental, physical and spiritual feats as living proof of the amazing power of one’s will to succeed, how might Christ’s witnesses also strengthen our willingness to share our stories of God’s gold medal win over sin, shame and the grave to offer life new? Join us for a summer of storytelling, sharing God’s triumph over personal defeat and offering true victory and new life too!
  • FUMC - Pearland Traditional | 6-30-24 | 10:45 | "Seeing God in Cinema"
    • 6/30/24

    FUMC - Pearland Traditional | 6-30-24 | 10:45 | "Seeing God in Cinema"

    When’s the last time you saw a good movie? Or better, a God movie? Where might God’s message of love, redemption and new life sneak its way into the top blockbuster films of now and yesterday? Join us for a few weeks finding God in GOoD movies; popcorn not included!
    Want to learn more about us? Check us out here!
    Want to watch us live online on Sundays?
    Connect with us on Social Media! Facebook:
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  • FUMC-NewSong | 6-23-24 | GOod Movies - “A Week Away” | John McClure
    • 6/23/24

    FUMC-NewSong | 6-23-24 | GOod Movies - “A Week Away” | John McClure

    When’s the last time you saw a good movie? Or better, a God movie? Where might God’s message of love, redemption and new life sneak its way into the top blockbuster films of now and yesterday? Join us for a few weeks finding God in GOoD movies; popcorn not included!
  • NewSong  6-9-24  GOod Movies - "Inside Out"  Rev. Kyle Tremblay
    • 6/9/24

    NewSong 6-9-24 GOod Movies - "Inside Out" Rev. Kyle Tremblay

    When’s the last time you saw a good movie? Or better, a God movie? Where might God’s message of love, redemption and new life sneak its way into the top blockbuster films of now and yesterday? Join us for a few weeks finding God in GOoD movies; popcorn not included!
  • NewSong | 6-16-24 | GOod Movies - “Finding Nemo” | Arnold Arreaga
    • 6/16/24

    NewSong | 6-16-24 | GOod Movies - “Finding Nemo” | Arnold Arreaga

    When’s the last time you saw a good movie? Or better, a God movie? Where might God’s message of love, redemption and new life sneak its way into the top blockbuster films of now and yesterday? Join us for a few weeks finding God in GOoD movies; popcorn not included!
  • NewSong | 6-2-24 | GOod Movies -IF | Thea Curry-Fuson
    • 6/2/24

    NewSong | 6-2-24 | GOod Movies -IF | Thea Curry-Fuson

    When’s the last time you saw a good movie? Or better, a God movie? Where might God’s message of love, redemption and new life sneak its way into the top blockbuster films of now and yesterday? Join us for a few weeks finding God in GOoD movies; popcorn not included!
  • FUMC - NewSong | 5-19-24 | Let's Celebrate  | Thea Curry-Fuson
    • 5/19/24

    FUMC - NewSong | 5-19-24 | Let's Celebrate | Thea Curry-Fuson

    With plenty to cause us gloom, doom and exhaustion today, “Let’s Celebrate!” takes a moment to pause, reflect and celebrate the great things God is and continues to do in the life of believers and here at FUMC Pearland. Join us for a month of celebration of our student, family, and adult ministries, and mom’s and MOPS community. We celebrate the power of confirming one’s faith and putting it to action as well as all that we have gained and are guided by the saints that have gone before us, rooting us deep in Christ’s love and possibility of new reality!
  • NewSong | 5-26-24 | Let's Celebrate - Church Legacy  | Thea Curry-Fuson
    • 5/26/24

    NewSong | 5-26-24 | Let's Celebrate - Church Legacy | Thea Curry-Fuson

    With plenty to cause us gloom, doom and exhaustion today, “Let’s Celebrate!” takes a moment to pause, reflect and celebrate the great things God is and continues to do in the life of believers and here at FUMC Pearland. Join us for a month of celebration of our student, family, and adult ministries, and mom’s and MOPS community. We celebrate the power of confirming one’s faith and putting it to action as well as all that we have gained and are guided by the saints that have gone before us, rooting us deep in Christ’s love and possibility of new reality!
  • NewSong | 5-12-24 | Mother's Day | Thea Curry-Fuson
  • NewSong | 5-5-24 | “Let’s Celebrate!” | Thea Curry-Fuson
    • 5/5/24

    NewSong | 5-5-24 | “Let’s Celebrate!” | Thea Curry-Fuson

    With plenty to cause us gloom, doom and exhaustion today, “Let’s Celebrate!” takes a moment to pause, reflect and celebrate the great things God is and continues to do in the life of believers and here at FUMC Pearland. Join us for a month of celebration of our student, family, and adult ministries, and mom’s and MOPS community. We celebrate the power of confirming one’s faith and putting it to action as well as all that we have gained and are guided by the saints that have gone before us, rooting us deep in Christ’s love and possibility of new reality!
  • NewSong | 4-28-24 | Gospel Shared - Live Free | Thea Curry-Fuson
    • 4/28/24

    NewSong | 4-28-24 | Gospel Shared - Live Free | Thea Curry-Fuson

    The Book of Acts is the story of God’s grace flooding out to the world. From the death and resurrection of Jesus to the ends of the earth, sharing the Gospel is the most prominent theme in Acts. There, God’s passionate pursuit of people, beginning in Jerusalem, expanding to Samaria and the rest of the world. Acts makes it clear that no one is beyond the scope of God’s saving power, nor is anyone exempt from the need for God’s redeeming grace. This is the essence of the Gospel that we are called to share.
  • NewSong | 4-21-24 |Gospel Shared - Beyond Boundaries | Jenny Keir
    • 4/21/24

    NewSong | 4-21-24 |Gospel Shared - Beyond Boundaries | Jenny Keir

    The Book of Acts is the story of God’s grace flooding out to the world. From the death and resurrection of Jesus to the ends of the earth, sharing the Gospel is the most prominent theme in Acts. There, God’s passionate pursuit of people, beginning in Jerusalem, expanding to Samaria and the rest of the world. Acts makes it clear that no one is beyond the scope of God’s saving power, nor is anyone exempt from the need for God’s redeeming grace. This is the essence of the Gospel that we are called to share.
  • NewSong | Gospel Shared - New Sight | Thea Curry-Fuson
    • 4/7/24

    NewSong | Gospel Shared - New Sight | Thea Curry-Fuson

    The Book of Acts is the story of God’s grace flooding out to the world. From the death and resurrection of Jesus to the ends of the earth, sharing the Gospel is the most prominent theme in Acts. There, God’s passionate pursuit of people, beginning in Jerusalem, expanding to Samaria and the rest of the world. Acts makes it clear that no one is beyond the scope of God’s saving power, nor is anyone exempt from the need for God’s redeeming grace. This is the essence of the Gospel that we are called to share.
  • NewSong | 4-14-24 | Gospel Shared - Living Community | Reggie Clemons
    • 4/14/24

    NewSong | 4-14-24 | Gospel Shared - Living Community | Reggie Clemons

    The Book of Acts is the story of God’s grace flooding out to the world. From the death and resurrection of Jesus to the ends of the earth, sharing the Gospel is the most prominent theme in Acts. There, God’s passionate pursuit of people, beginning in Jerusalem, expanding to Samaria and the rest of the world. Acts makes it clear that no one is beyond the scope of God’s saving power, nor is anyone exempt from the need for God’s redeeming grace. This is the essence of the Gospel that we are called to share.
  • Gospel Shared - "New Sight" | Thea Curry-Fuson

    Gospel Shared - "New Sight" | Thea Curry-Fuson

    The Book of Acts is the story of God’s grace flooding out to the world. From the death and resurrection of Jesus to the ends of the earth, sharing the Gospel is the most prominent theme in Acts. There, God’s passionate pursuit of people, beginning in Jerusalem, expanding to Samaria and the rest of the world. Acts makes it clear that no one is beyond the scope of God’s saving power, nor is anyone exempt from the need for God’s redeeming grace. This is the essence of the Gospel that we are called to share.
  • NewSong | 3-31-24 | Easter Sunday
    • 3/31/24

    NewSong | 3-31-24 | Easter Sunday

    The Book of Acts is the story of God’s grace flooding out to the world. From the death and resurrection of Jesus to the ends of the earth, sharing the Gospel is the most prominent theme in Acts. There, God’s passionate pursuit of people, beginning in Jerusalem, expanding to Samaria and the rest of the world. Acts makes it clear that no one is beyond the scope of God’s saving power, nor is anyone exempt from the need for God’s redeeming grace. This is the essence of the Gospel that we are called to share.
  • Calming The Storm | Bryan White
    • 3/10/24

    Calming The Storm | Bryan White

    We have been on a journey with Jesus. In The Way-Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus, we will focus on the life and teachings of Jesus. The sermons and study guides for this series will “put you on the ground,” seeing and experiencing the things Jesus saw as he traveled the length and breadth of Galilee and Judea. But this series is more than that. It is a call to discipleship. It is a journey with Christ who still walks with us and invites us to follow His footsteps. Our desire in this series is to be challenged to a greater commitment to discipleship, where we acknowledge Jesus as our Lord and Savior, gaining a deeper understanding of His life, and deepening our faith in Him and our love for Him.
  • Proclaiming The Kingdom | Thea Curry - Fuson
    • 3/3/24

    Proclaiming The Kingdom | Thea Curry - Fuson

    We have been on a journey with Jesus. In The Way-Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus, we will focus on the life and teachings of Jesus. The sermons and study guides for this series will “put you on the ground,” seeing and experiencing the things Jesus saw as he traveled the length and breadth of Galilee and Judea. But this series is more than that. It is a call to discipleship. It is a journey with Christ who still walks with us and invites us to follow His footsteps. Our desire in this series is to be challenged to a greater commitment to discipleship, where we acknowledge Jesus as our Lord and Savior, gaining a deeper understanding of His life, and deepening our faith in Him and our love for Him.
  • NewSong Pearland | "Great is God's Faithfulness" | Bishop Cynthia Harvey
    • 2/25/24

    NewSong Pearland | "Great is God's Faithfulness" | Bishop Cynthia Harvey

    We have been on a journey with Jesus. In The Way-Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus, we will focus on the life and teachings of Jesus. The sermons and study guides for this series will “put you on the ground,” seeing and experiencing the things Jesus saw as he traveled the length and breadth of Galilee and Judea. But this series is more than that. It is a call to discipleship. It is a journey with Christ who still walks with us and invites us to follow His footsteps. Our desire in this series is to be challenged to a greater commitment to discipleship, where we acknowledge Jesus as our Lord and Savior, gaining a deeper understanding of His life, and deepening our faith in Him and our love for Him.
  • The Healing Ministry | Thea Curry - Fuson
    • 2/18/24

    The Healing Ministry | Thea Curry - Fuson

    Maintaining, deepening and committing to a life of discipleship takes ongoing work, committed habits and a willingness to practice repeated connection and conversation with God. This series is designed to help both new and long-time followers to continue to deepen their spiritual relationship with God and others through real and practical ways.
  • "The Way-Baptism, and Temptation"| Reggie Clemons
    • 2/14/24

    "The Way-Baptism, and Temptation"| Reggie Clemons

    Join us for todays message and Worship Service.
    Want to learn more about us? Check us out here!
    Want to watch us live online on Sundays?
    Connect with us on Social Media! Facebook:
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  • Unity: Where Do We Go From Here | Thea Curry - Fuson
    • 2/11/24

    Unity: Where Do We Go From Here | Thea Curry - Fuson

    In our sermons, we will dig deeper into several of the critical components of our faith; a faith we hold fast to as a church, and a faith that enables us to achieve a holiness that emboldens us as we strive to Follow Jesus, Build Real Relationships, Grow in Real Discipleship and Experience Real Transformation.

  • Sacrament-Ordinary Made Extraordinary | Melody Krause
    • 2/4/24

    Sacrament-Ordinary Made Extraordinary | Melody Krause

    Introduce your video with a short summary or excerpt viewers can preview. If you don’t add an excerpt, this field will automatically show the first three lines of the video’s description.

  • Grace: God's Great Power | Thea Curry - Fuson
    • 1/28/24

    Grace: God's Great Power | Thea Curry - Fuson

    Maintaining, deepening and committing to a life of discipleship takes ongoing work, committed habits and a willingness to practice repeated connection and conversation with God. This series is designed to help both new and long-time followers to continue to deepen their spiritual relationship with God and others through real and practical ways.
  • Sanctification (Going On Toward Perfection) | Thea Curry-Fuson
    • 1/21/24

    Sanctification (Going On Toward Perfection) | Thea Curry-Fuson

    Introduce your video with a short summary or excerpt viewers can preview. If you don’t add an excerpt, this field will automatically show the first three lines of the video’s description.

  • Justification (How We Are Made Righteous) | Thea Curry-Fuson
    • 1/14/24

    Justification (How We Are Made Righteous) | Thea Curry-Fuson

    Introduce your video with a short summary or excerpt viewers can preview. If you don’t add an excerpt, this field will automatically show the first three lines of the video’s description.