Current Adult Bible Studies
Practicing the Way Study
On March 9, we will begin a new sermon series and church-wide study. The sermon series is Practicing the Way based upon a book written by John Mark Comer*.
This study is designed to help get you started, get you unstuck if you are stalled, or help you in taking the next steps on your Discipleship Journey. The ultimate goal is to train you to live as an apprentice of Jesus, to be with Jesus, to become like Him and do as He did.
We are planning to offer 3 opportunities to participate in The Practicing the Way Study. The studies will run for 6 weeks during Lent. There will be a Sunday evening group from 5:30 pm-7:00 pm, a Tuesday evening group for men from 7:30 pm-9:00 pm, and our usual Wednesday Morning Women’s Bible Study will be doing the study from 10:00 am-11:30 am. Each of these groups will be meeting at the church.
Registration for these studies is now open at the link below. If you will need childcare, please register early.
*Because we feel this is so vital to our spiritual growth, your church is purchasing one book per family to guide you through this Sermon Series and Church-wide Study. You may pick these up beginning Sunday, February 23. They will be available in the Narthex, Family Life Center Lobby and Church Office.
Women’s Morning Study
Our Wednesday Morning Bible Study will be starting up again on January 15, 2025. We will meet in Bethel 106 at 10 am and will be reading Chasing Vines: Finding Your Way to an Immensely Fruitful Life by Beth Moore, a best-selling author who has written many acclaimed bible studies. This study speaks to the fact that God wants us to flourish.
"In Chasing Vines, Beth shows us from Scripture how all of life's concerns―the delights and the trials―matter to God. He uses all of it to help us flourish and be fruitful. Looking through the lens of Christ's transforming teaching in John 15, Beth gives us a panoramic view of biblical teachings on the Vine, vineyards, vine-dressing, and fruitfulness. Along the way you will discover why fruitfulness is so important to God―and how He can use anything that happens to us for His glory and our flourishing. Nothing is for nothing."
God wants us to flourish. In fact, he delights in our flourishing. Life is not always fun, but in Christ it can always be fruitful.
Each session will include scripture, prayer, a video presentation, and discussion. As always, we will share joys and concerns, fellowship and hopefully meet new people. There are two books for this study. We will use the Chasing the Vine Group Experience Workbook.
You can order a copy of the workbook from Amazon OR contact Susan McElya in the church office at 281.485-1466 or e-mail
There is a companion book with the same title, Chasing the Vine, that you might like but it is optional.
Men’s Bible Study
The Men’s Bible Study is meeting during the summer months and will continue to meet in the fall. They are currently working through the Gospel of Mark, and will begin a new book of the Bible when Mark is completed. They meet in the Parlor, located in the Church Office. This group meets on Thursday except for the 1st Thursday of each month. Registration is not required. For more information email Brandon
Sign up to be notified when new study opportunities arise.